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July 8, 2024
By: Inversion6

CMMC Compliance Deadline: Are You Prepared?

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program final rule was published on Dec. 26, 2023. While the program has undergone many changes since it was first proposed, CMMC 2.0 is now set to become the standard for contractors (and subcontractors)  working with the Department of Defense as early as October 1, 2025. This has set up a more clear and concrete CMMC compliance deadline for those seeking certification with the standard.  As most organizations will need 12-18 months to get compliant, the time to act is now. 

Here, we’re reviewing the expected time moving forward and illustrating why Inversion6 is uniquely positioned to help your organization achieve CMMC compliance.  

CMMC Questions? Connect with our cybersecurity experts to get started on your tailored security solution today.   

Detailing the CMMC Compliance Deadline 

With the rule now published, it’s clear that achieving certification should be a high priority for any organization that works in this sector (or desires to). In fact, given the expected time table for most organizations seeking CMMC compliance, it’s a process that should have begun well before the middle of 2024.  

When contemplating your own internal CMMC compliance deadline, there are several key notes to keep in mind: 

  • On average, it’s estimated that it will take 12-18 months for most organizations to complete the steps necessary to reach CMMC compliance. 

  • CMMC assessments will begin in early 2025. 

  • The phased rollout of CMMC contractual requirements will begin around Q3 of 2025. 

At Inversion6, we’ve detailed CMMC at each stage of its development. From outlining changes as the rule was formalized to identifying a simple framework that can assist in pursuing compliance, we’ve delivered information and guidance on how to navigate this changing landscape. With CMMC compliance deadlines now becoming a reality, we’re here to continue to help.  

Challenges Facing CMMC Compliance 

With the oncoming CMMC compliance deadlines, it’s easy to assume the biggest challenge facing organizations is the time component needed to start and complete the process. And while this is a concern, there are other equally important motivations adding to the pressure in seeking assistance to complete the process.  

Are We Doing This Right? — CMMC compliance requires organizations to issue accurate scores and self-assessments as they seek to meet certification requirements. But are they doing it correctly? Accurately? Mistakes in self-reporting can have steep consequences as they could be viewed as violations of the False Claims Act opening up liability for the group seeking certification.  

Do We Have the People to Get This Done? — The other issue many companies face is a lack of manpower and expertise to carry out the work, be in planning, writing policies, implementing fixes, and more. Even if self-assessments have been conducted properly and gaps identified, a lack of internal resources to address those findings can be tough to overcome.  

Fortunately, when an organization works with a certified partner—such as Inversion6—meeting the CMMC compliance deadline is simplified and those additional issues are remediated by expert guidance.  

Outlining the Process: Take a guided step-by-step tour through the CMMC certification process, courtesy of our experts. Read more here.  

Inversion6 is Equipped to Help You Meet the CMMC Compliance Deadline 

Inversion6 is uniquely positioned to help organizations create a CMMC compliance plan, achieve certification, and see the process through to fruition—no matter your starting point. Our strength as a CMMC partner is built on three differentiating factors.  

  1. Inversion6 is trained and certified. We’ve been trained by the government’s CMMC accreditation body. We know what is needed, what steps have to be taken, and how to guide your organization to where it wants to go. Working with a registered practitioner is essential for CMMC as such parties have the resources and connections to identify the type of information you work with and your clearance level needs, help you perform self-assessments and upload results, and find a Certified Third-Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO) to conduct the final audit. 

  1. Inversion6 has a close working relationship with a C3POA in Schneider Downs. Having a direct line to assessors allows for quick clarification on control interpretations and smooth progression through the certification steps and perhaps even expedite the scheduling process—sidestepping the bottleneck in assessors mentioned earlier. 

  1. Inversion6 has real-world experience. Our CISOs all come with experience in the private sector dealing with compliance challenges like CMMC; we’re not career consultants. In-house leadership roles in cybersecurity give us practical insight into how to align compliance efforts with business priorities, helping clients internally justify and implement necessary changes.  

With a CMMC compliance deadline now a reality for many organizations, there’s no time to waste in crafting your plan to reach it. Schedule a consultation today to discover how our expertise streamlines and optimizes the compliance journey. 

Post Written By: Inversion6
Inversion6 and our team of CISOs are experts in information security, storage, and networking solutions. We work alongside your team to implement technology solutions that are smart, flexible, and customized to fit your needs.

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